Happy New Year WTS Sacramento!
I’d like to kick off this newsletter by announcing that our Chapter Officers have been elected to serve another year of a two-year term. I will continue as President, Kira Caselli will continue as Vice President, Amanda Kahn as Secretary, and Ariana Castillo as Treasurer. I also want to recognize our 2022 Committee Chairs who serve on our Board as well. You can view our 2022 Board of Directors here. We have a few Committee Chair positions still open, such as Special Events Co-Chair and Fundraising Chair, and we always welcome volunteers to help on our Committees. It’s never too late to join our Board, so please e-mail me at emily.abrahams@dot.ca.gov if you’d like to get more involved.
I am thrilled to announce that in November we kicked off our 2021/2022 Mentorship Program after a brief hiatus. The program has eight mentor-mentee pairs, which may be our largest ever! Then, in early December, to honor Native American Heritage Month (in November) we held our December Lunch Program to learn about the Happy Camp Complete Streets Project with the Karuk Tribe and Caltrans District 2. You can read more about these events below.
Please save the date for our Annual Awards and Scholarship Event on the evening of March 24 at Mix Downtown. Stay tuned for the announcement of our Award Winners and Scholarship Recipients in the coming weeks. We hope you can join us to celebrate their accomplishments!
And a final announcement for our Chapter members, in the coming months we will update our Chapter Bylaws, so keep an eye out for the changes and we’ll need everyone to cast a vote!
Thank you for your continued support of WTS! I am looking forward to this upcoming year!